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Built with the whole school in mind. This program encourages faculty to move from awareness to action in living a generous life.

Strengthen Your School Culture and Community

Create a positive change for the classroom, hallways, playgrounds, cafeteria, and beyond.

What is a Generous School Professional Development Training?

  • An interactive, 90-minute content-rich professional development for the entire school.
  • A Faith-Based PD to cultivate a positive climate and culture around Generosity.
  • Teaches The 7 Ways to Live Generously Framework.
  • Provides practical ideas of ways staff can implement The 7 Ways To Live Generously.

“When you choose to live a generous life, you change, and so do others around you."

-Brad Formsma

Generous School Implementation

  •  Delivered via Zoom by one of our expert Biblical SEL Directors and is designed for whole-group staff and faculty training. This session will be accompanied by individual workbooks for each trainee.
  • 90-minute live training

What Teachers Are Saying

It was a great experience and I truly believe this should be something all children (and adults) learn. It really challenged me on how much generosity I show daily. It was great to learn with my students. They loved the booklet and videos. It really got them thinking about how even though they are young they can still set an example to others.

Kim4th Grade Teacher, Michigan

I love Generosity Roadmap and think it’s something that should be used in all classrooms! I think it would be a great tool to implement at the beginning of the school year to create a strong classroom community. I am excited to use it again!

Haley4/5 Grade Teacher, California